Rethinking the Capital Area

Since 1947, the Fingerplan (Fingerplanen) has guided the development of the Greater Copenhagen Region.

However, with changing demographics, new infrastructure, evolving transportation modes, and essential climate change adaptations, the future vision of a sustainable and socially just region is paramount.

To address these contemporary challenges and unlock future potentials, Arkitektforeningen and Dreyers Fond initiated the ‘Fingerplan 2.0’ competition.

This initiative aims to create a new planning vision for the Greater Copenhagen Region.

In the first phase of this open competition, there were 43 entries.

Our proposal, ‘Mere landskab – mere by’/More landscape, More city’ is one of the five selected for the second phase.

As the title, suggests, our vision emphasizes that the landscape should be the natural foundation for future development.

We are excited to refine our proposal further in this next phase.

Read more and see the other finalists on Arkitektforeningen’s homepage (Text in Danish)
